While on active duty with the U.S. Air Force in Japan, Ed Hosmer and his wife Naomi were under Paul Dennis’s ministry. Due to an overwhelming burden to reach the Japanese people with the gospel and a specific calling on their lives to evangelize Japan, Hosmer sacrificed a promising law enforcement career and separated from the military. They pursued their calling by serving as AIMers for eight years and currently oversees one of the fastest growing UPC churches in Japan. They received their appointment as UPCI missionaries to Japan in 2002. They have created a bilingual discipleship program which is very effective in training saints and national leaders and ministers. Brother Hosmer has oversight of sevreral preaching points and two Purpose Institute Bible Campuses. Having lived in Japan for over 30 years (Ed) and being a Japanese national with a command of the language (Naomi), the Hosmers are valuable assets to the kingdom of God in reaching the Japanese people with Bible salvation.